Governance in Global Health: Achieving Impact and Sustainability for Integrated Community Case Management

June 29, 2021 - June 29, 2021

The Institutionalizing iCCM subgroup of the Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar on lessons learned and key challenges to governance in community case management. The presentation by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, MESA Alliance, shared findings from a study recently published in the BMJ Global Health. Four themes were identified which characterize the challenges in coordination and development of iCCM:

  1. "Need for country leadership and ownership of iCCM concepts to ensure integration into national health system's policy and infrastructure
  2. Importance of information-sharing and generation of a contextual pool of iCCM evidence
  3. Sustainability of programs for iCCM are dependent on external funding instead of on national investments to cost and financing
  4. Need for continued integration of disease specific stovepipes to facilitate program funding and coordination that encourage an iCCM strategic approach to child health goals."


  • Dr. Koya C. Allen, MESA Scientific Officer, MESA Alliance, Barcelona Institute for Global Health


  • Mr. Humphreys Nsona, Program Manager & Head of IMCI unit, Community Health Sciences unit, Ministry of Health Malawi, and iCCM Subgroup Co-chair
  • Anne Linn, Africa Regional Malaria Advisor, Africa Bureau PMI, USAID