Quarterly Newsletter


| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2023, Issue 3

In this issue we highlight updates from recent Child Survival Action efforts; the last Task Force Steering Committee meeting held in Malawi; the School Health and Nutrition e-course launch. We also share updates from the subgroups and news from our network members.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2024, Issue 2

In this issue we highlight updates from the Child Survival Action (CSA) Initiative at the 77th World Health Assembly and new CSA resources; a school health and nutrition e-learning course; updates from the subgroups; and upcoming events and member-submitted resources.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2024, Issue 1

In this issue we highlight updates from the Child Survival Action Initiative at CPHIA 2023, results from the members' survey, takeaways from the last Steering Committee, spotlight a Task Force member, and provide subgroup updates.


| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2023, Issue 3

In this issue we highlight updates from the Child Survival Action Initiative and Sierra Leone's call to the region; share the new iCCM Toolkit and the French version of the School Health and Nutrition Hub; and provide subgroup updates.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2023, Issue 2

In this issue we recap the successful CSA launch, provide a preview of the Task Force's upcoming conference, share a new resource in the School Health and Nutrition Hub, and give subgroup updates.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2023, Issue 1

In this issue we share updates from the last Task Force Steering Committee meeting, the CSA blueprint and last country mission trip, annual members' survey results, spotlight on member Rabiu Idris Yau, and the upcoming Task Force-hosted virtual conference. We also give a snapshot on the subgroups' latest activities, news from the network and upcoming events.


| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2022, Issue 3

In this issue we share the Child Survival Action Theory of Change, introduce two hubs new to the Task Force website, and multisectoral tools and resources for child health. We also give a snapshot on the subgroups' latest activities, news from the network and upcoming events.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter 2022, Issue 2

In this issue we summarize the Child Survival Action side event, climate change and child health discussion, and an iCCM subgroup hosted roundtable. We feature a Reimagining TA brief on the critical shifts, two case studies, and updates from all the Task Force subgroups.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Winter 2022 Newsletter

In this issue we summarize the TF members' meeting and responses to member feedback; share highlights of the TF Steering Committee; introduce new SC members; spotlight TF member Rodgers Gift Benkele; and give an overview of subgroup 2022 plans.


| Quarterly Newsletter

Summer 2021 Newsletter

In this newsletter, we share with you the Task Force’s first strategic plan (2021-2025) that will guide our work over the next five years.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Spring 2021 Newsletter

In this issue we share the Re-imagining TA country case studies; give an update on a new resource page; recap the bi-annual Steering Committee meeting held in March; spotlight the Implementation Science subgroup; and share resources from the network and upcoming events.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Winter 2021 Newsletter

In this edition we share priorities for the new year, feedback from the 2020 members' survey and meeting, a tutorial on how to access resources on the website, a school health & nutrition blog, COVID-19 updates, a recap of recent webinars, summary of a private sector CHNRI exercise, subgroups' 2021 priorities, news from the newtwork and upcoming events.


| Quarterly Newsletter

Fall 2020 Newsletter

In this issue we touch on the Steering Committee's virtual meeting held in September 2020; the annual members' survey; webinar data from COVID-19 resources; and the QoC/M&E subgroups' draft review of the pediatric quality of care indicators.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Summer 2020 Newsletter

In this issue we highlight for you the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of children and some resources available for response efforts. In addition, we share news and resources on broader child health themes, including the USAID report on three country perspectives on child health leadership; the Lancet Commission report: A Future for Our World's Children; the final phase of the re-imagining technical assistance work; and a report on the subgroups.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Spring 2020 Newsletter

The world has changed since our last newsletter. I trust that you are keeping safe and healthy and giving the best of yourselves in compassion and skills to the COVID-19 pandemic response at both family and professional levels. We are pleased to share with you our spring newsletter, highlighting the following: an update on the Re-imagining TA Project, our new LinkedIn group, updates from the Task Force's Steering Committee, the Task Force Subgroups' 2020 priorities. Be on the lookout and responsive to requests for information, resources, and updates on COVID-19.


| Quarterly Newsletter

Fall 2019 Newsletter

We are excited to share the last newsletter of 2019. We're looking forward to 2020 and the opportunity it presents us to contribute to better health outcomes for children wherever we work. Happy holidays!

| Quarterly Newsletter

Summer 2019 Newsletter

Welcome to our summer newsletter. In this issue we highlight the recent Task Force Steering Committee meeting, progress from the Re-imagining Technical Assistance project, updates on WHO's 2019 Essential Medicines List, and the Private Sector Engagement Subgroup. We are also delighted to introduce our newest subgroup to the Task Force: Newborn & Child Health Commodities.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Welcome to our Spring Newsletter! It's been a busy first quarter of 2019 and we're excited to share a few of the new activities and developments that are happening in our network. In this issue we highlight progress in the Redesigning Technical Assistance project, discuss WHO's death audit guidelines, and spotlight our M&E subgroup's recent activity in collaboration with the Child Health Accountability Tracking (CHAT) advisory group. We're also pleased to officially launch the French version of the Task Force website, which we hope will increase access to child health programming resources for our francophone colleagues around the world.

| Quarterly Newsletter

Winter 2018 Newsletter

Our quarterly publication intends to keep our network of global members informed by featuring country work, highlighting subgroup progress, and sharing curated news and resources. We look forward to sending helpful information and updates that are relevant to you, so if there are topics or features that you would like to see in future newsletters, we welcome your input!