
Upcoming Events

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From Theory to Practice: Implementing SQ-LNS to prevent child undernutrition

The SQ-LNS Taskforce, the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), and the Child Health Task Force will co-host this webinar on October 29. In this 90-minute webinar we will review and discuss the new Small-Quantity Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement (SQ-LNS) Operational Guidance document.

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Climate Change and Health Forum

According to the Children’s Climate Risk Index, climate change is already significantly affecting children globally, with approximately 1 billion children at ‘extremely high risk’ of experiencing the negative impacts of climate change.

Past Events

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Advancing newborn and child health: Insights into the role of the private academic institutions in advancing service delivery, knowledge and learning to improve health outcomes

The Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health (CoE, WCH) at Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan in collaboration with the Department of Pediatrics & Child Health and the Child Health Task Force, is pleased to present a webinar highlighting key learnings and experiences in the field of newborn and child health interventions in LMIC settings.

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Accelerating Momentum for Child Health

At the World Health Assembly in May, the newly passed Resolution 11.7 reaffirmed a global commitment to achieving maternal and child health goals. MOMENTUM and the Child Health Task Force (CHTF) hosted a live event to keep up the momentum for child health at our live event.
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Accelerating UHC and Child Survival: Lessons from the ProCCM Trial in Mali

Governments currently seek approaches to accelerate progress on child survival with community based primary health care, as fifty-four countries are not currently on track to meet the under-five mortality sustainable development goal. More research is needed on the impact of community health worker home visits and other community health system strengthening approaches on population level health outcomes.

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Tools for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness cross-country results: Improving Access to Tools that Detect Severe Illness

When sick children arrive at primary health care facilities, it is critical that they are appropriately screened, diagnosed, managed, and if needed, referred for urgent care without delay. Clinical signs alone do not detect all severe illness in children. For health care providers to make a correct diagnosis, they must be equipped with the right tools, including access to pulse oximetry and clinical decision support systems.

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Risk-differentiated care: A paradigm shift to improve child mortality

WHO has recently completed analyses that show how infants and young children at high risk of mortality can be identified through 4 readily assessable, child-level characteristics. This offers opportunities to identify and provide targeted care to infants and young children at high risk of mortality; it may also help rationalize interventions for children who are at low risk of mortality.

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Transforming Child Health through Digital Data-Use Innovations & Connecting Ministries of Health

This webinar demonstrated the power of data integration and advanced analysis in making tangible differences in child health and beyond. We explored how Zenysis’ open-source data integration and analytics technology is equipping decision-makers and frontline healthcare workers with the tools they need to turn data into breakthroughs in service provision.

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From Resolution to Reality: Accelerating Progress on Maternal and Child Survival in Africa

The recent adoption of the WHA resolution on maternal and child health has catalyzed fresh momentum and expectation, reflecting a renewed commitment from global leaders to address the urgent need for progress in this critical area. This milestone is particularly significant for Africa, where excessive maternal and child mortality remains a pressing issue.

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Launch of The Lifesaving Power of Pneumonia and Diarrhea Vaccines for Children

Global coverage of vaccines targeting pneumonia and diarrhea - the leading infectious killers of children - lag far behind other vaccines. Just seven in 10 children are fully protected with Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine, six in 10 with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), and five in 10 with rotavirus vaccine. If coverage of all three vaccines was above 90% - the global target - the deaths of an additional 450,000 children could be prevented by 2030.