
Upcoming Events

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Climate Change and Health Forum

According to the Children’s Climate Risk Index, climate change is already significantly affecting children globally, with approximately 1 billion children at ‘extremely high risk’ of experiencing the negative impacts of climate change.

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Re-Imagining Child Health Through Primary Health Care: A Series

Join the Child Health Task Force’s Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup, WHO, and Global Communities for a series in which we will discuss key strategies, challenges, and innovations in delivering integrated child-centered health services to children within the primary health care (PHC) framework.

Past Events

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Multi-sectoral Approaches to Child Health: A discussion series

The Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup is hosting a discussion series to learn about and collect case studies on effective multi-sectoral approaches to child health programming. The session focused on evidence gathered during a literature review of multi-sector projects. The second session shared two programmatic case studies: 1. The McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Project in Honduras, and 2. Tiwalere II Project in Malawi.

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The Burden of Climate Change on Children: Addressing climate-related inequities in child health

The Child Health Task Force hosted a panel discussion on how to accelerate action for children at risk of dying from climate-related health conditions.

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Improving Quality of Nutrition MNCH Services: Global resources, opportunities & lessons from Ethiopia

The Quality of Care subgroup and the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health hosted a webinar to review the nutrition-specific components of the WHO standards for improving quality of facility-based care.

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Improving Treatment of Wasting in Children through iCCM

The iCCM and Nutrition subgroups of the Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar to share findings from a MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership report on policy, programmatic and operational learnings of integrating case management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) and iCCM. 

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Improving Quality of Care through Capacity Building and Data-informed Decisions in Uttar Pradesh, India

The QoC subgroup of the Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar to share key government initiatives to improve quality of care for newborns and children in Uttar Pradesh. The Government of Uttar Pradesh has been making large investments towards improving quality of care for mothers and babies in the state. Based on the recently released National Family Health Survey 2019-2021 (NFHS-5), this is starting to pay dividends.

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Reaching Children with Life Saving Diarrhea Treatment: Launch of the ORS/Zinc Co-pack Alliance

The Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar to launch the ORS/Zinc Co-pack Alliance. ORSZCA brings together organizations and individuals to identify and remove barriers to co-packaging to accelerate uptake and save lives. The Task Force will collaborate closely with ORSZCA towards the common goal of strengthened equitable and comprehensive child health programs.

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Child Health Task Force Members' Meeting

The Secretariat of the Task Force convened the members at the start of 2022 to discuss the results from the annual pulse check survey (full summary here), implement the strategic plan, and introduce the Child Survival Action Plan.

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Translating Data into Better Health for Children: Lessons from the CODES Project in Uganda

The Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar to share lessons from the Community and District-management Empowerment for Scale-up (CODES) project in Uganda. The CODES study was a randomized controlled trial showing how the use of data for evidence-based planning, district health management training and community empowerment can strengthen health systems and deliver better child health outcomes.