
Upcoming Events

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Past Events

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Hypoxemia in primary health care settings and implications for oxygen services: Evidence from Bangladesh, Malawi, Nigeria, and Uganda

The Quality of Care subgroup hosted panel discussion to review preliminary evidence of hypoxemia and outcomes among children in primary health care settings and discuss implications for oxygen services. The presenters, from the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Karolinska Institutet, and Johns Hopkins University, spoke to hypoxemia prevalence in Bangladesh, Malawi, Nigeria and Uganda.

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Action for the Newborn: Global and Country Priorities and Implementation

The Child Health Task Force hosted a webinar to present an overview of global newborn priorities as articulated in the Every Newborn Action Plan Results Framework and highlight three country experiences from India, Ethiopia and Bangladesh. A global newborn action plan developed by a dynamic group of global and country champions was endorsed at the World Health Assembly in 2014. This initiative catalyzed the development of over 50 national action plans in three years.

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Caring for Small & Nutritionally At-Risk Infants and their Mothers: MAMI Care Pathway experiences from Ethiopia & Colombia

The Nutrition subgroup hosted a webinar to share the Management of small & nutritionally At-risk Infants under six months & their Mothers (MAMI) approach. Participants learned about the MAMI Care Pathway Package which facilitates screening, assessment and management and heard implementation experiences from Ethiopia and Colombia.

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Improving Access to MNCH Products through Strengthening Registration

The Commodities subgroup hosted a webinar to hear from USAID Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) program about the challenges with registration of maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) medical products revealed in a nine-country study.

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Quality of Care for IMCI in Private and Public Health Facilities Webinar

The Private Sector Engagement (PSE) and Quality of Care (QoC) subgroups co-hosted a webinar to share results from a SHOPS Plus analysis of Service Provision Assessment (SPA) survey data from seven countries. The analysis examined how well health facilities in those countries adhere to integrated management for childhood illness (IMCI) guidelines for children 2-59 months and young infants under two months.

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Webinar on the WHO Child Health Redesign: A New Agenda for Child and Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

Hosted by the Child Health Task Force in collaboration with WHO and UNICEF colleagues, this webinar featured an update on the WHO Child Heath Redesign. The first presentation by Wilson Were focused on the overall framework for the redesign including strategic shifts in child and adolescent programming, the importance of a life-course approach, and examples of intersectional collaborations.

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Participatory Systems Mapping: Implications for Improving Urban Maternal and Child Outcomes Webinar

This webinar was hosted by the Child Health Task Force to feature the work of the Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project at JSI Research & Training Institute and its relevance to multisectoral approaches to maternal and child health. Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens, Project Director of BHC, joined by her colleague, Dr. Damodar Bachani, Deputy Director of BHC, presented the healthy urban planning approach and methods for dynamic systems mapping.

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Webinar Series: Delivering Quality Essential Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services During COVID-19

In this webinar series, leading experts on quality of care shared global guidance and country experiences around quality of care for maternal, newborn and child health in the context of COVID-19. It ran from June 11 to November 5, 2020, and was co-hosted by the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the Quality of Care subgroup of the Child Health Task Force, with the support of UNICEF and the World Health Organization.