
Upcoming Events

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Re-Imagining Child Health Through Primary Health Care: A Series

Join the Child Health Task Force’s Re-imagining the Package of Care for Children subgroup, WHO, and Global Communities for a series in which we will discuss key strategies, challenges, and innovations in delivering integrated child-centered health services to children within the primary health care (PHC) framework.

Past Events

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Is relapse after initial severe acute malnutrition (SAM) recovery a problem? Preliminary findings from a recent multi-country cohort study

Join global experts in severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treatment to learn and discuss the latest research on post-discharge outcomes following initial SAM recovery in CMAM programs. During this webinar, Heather Stobaugh, PhD, and Sarah King, MPH, will present preliminary findings from a large, multi-country study led by ACF in collaboration with several academic partners, that followed over 2,400 children after SAM recovery to quantify relapse rates and identify risk factors of relapse.&

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Childhood Vaccination Subgroup Special Meeting: Planning for World Immunization Week

As we continue our journey towards achieving SDG 3.2 and increasing the coverage of lifesaving childhood vaccines in 54 off-track countries, the Childhood Vaccination subgroup was excited to host a pivotal meeting in preparation for the upcoming World Immunization Week (April 24-30, 2024). This special meeting served as a collaborative forum to share partners' initiatives for World Immunization Week and explore potential synergies.

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Child Health Task Force Members' Meeting

The Child Health Task Force Secretariat and Steering Committee hosted a membership-wide meeting to discuss the results of the 2023 Membership Pulse Check Survey. The meeting included a discussion of improvements to member engagement and agenda setting for the Child Health Task Force in 2024. We encouraged members to share feedback with the Steering Committee and Secretariat, reflections from the past year, and goals for 2024.

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Digital Health and Innovations Subgroup Meeting

The co-chairs of the Digital Health and Innovations (DH&I) Subgroup hosted the first subgroup meeting of 2024.

During this meeting we discussed:

·  priorities for webinars and other activities for the year ahead

·  ways to support coordination between MOHs working in specific areas of digital health

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Childhood Vaccination Subgroup Meeting

The newly established Childhood Vaccination Subgroup has selected three co-chairs from a very strong field: Dr Jolem Mwanje from Impact Health Organization, Dr Oumar Diallo from the RAISE 4 Sahel Project, World Vision, and Dr Revati Phalkey from Save the Children!

At the first subgroup meeting of 2024, we invite you to meet our co-chairs and discuss priorities for the year ahead. 

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Institutionalizing Supply Chains for Community Case Management

Community health workers are at the center of efforts to improve the delivery of and access to healthcare, and strengthening community health delivery is essential for their success. Community level supply chains represent a particularly challenging component of the community health delivery that must be strengthened to optimize community health worker programs.

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Sharing PPMV Engagement and Quality of Care Lessons Learned from Integrated Health Program Nigeria

This webinar built on findings and discussion of previous sessions hosted by the Child Health Task Force's Private Sector Engagement subgroup.

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Integration of ECD Interventions into Health and Nutrition Services: Experiences from Ethiopia and Mozambique

Momentum for integrating elements of the Nurturing Care framework that support early childhood development (ECD) outcomes, such as responsive care and early learning, into existing health and nutrition services is growing. Sharing these integration experiences would better support practitioners to learn from and apply these approaches to their own context.