The Market Development Approach: Lessons from The Frontier Health Markets Engage Project in Tanzania

October 25, 2023 - October 25, 2023

The Market Development Approach is a set of principles, frameworks, tools, and guidance. It has the specific objectives of developing and facilitating more effective and more inclusive market systems in the health sector across different health areas. It offers a lens through which the operationalization of these objectives can take place as identification and diagnosis of constraints and definition of opportunities for interventions is conducted.

In Tanzania, the Frontier Health Markets Engage project applied this activity to the child health market and--in alignment with similar activities in other countries--is working towards the development of a consistent and standardized approach to describing and assessing health markets. Findings from Tanzania highlighted several issues which led to the underperformance of the market, such as availability of key child health products, financial challenges, and inadequate regulation and oversight of the private sector, which in turn leads to substantial effects on the quality of care for sick children.

The Frontier Health Markets Engage project intends to share this standardized approach for market descriptions with different actors so that interventions to improve performance become more efficient and targeted, while keeping in mind limited resources available especially in low- and middle-income countries like Tanzania. Through this approach the project also intends to highlight the specific roles and opportunities for the public and the private sector to work in synergy to improve the markets and resultant health outcomes in an equitable manner.

Join us on October 25th to learn more about the Market Development Approach and its use in Tanzanian markets to affect the quality of care for children.