
Welcome to the Child Health Task Force Resource Library. This database hosts a range of documents from agencies and organizations working on child health programming. When using the search function, please be as specific as possible. More specific search language will return the most appropriate results. Resources are available for download for further reading and can be sent via email or other social media platforms for ease of sharing.

If you have resources related to child health programming that you would like to share through the Child Health Task Force, please reach out through our Contact Us page.

We recommend searching for an author (by name) if you are looking for a specific report. You may also use the filters to refine your search by country, language, etc.

Event Materials | English | 2024

Recording - Childhood Vaccination Meeting - March 20, 2024

Recording from the special Childhood Vaccination Meeting held on March 20, 2024 to discuss the upcoming World Immunization Week.

Guide | English | 2024

Child Survival Wheel

The Child Survival Wheel provides an integrated framework of key interventions and actions proven to effectively protect, prevent, diagnose, and treat the leading causes of child death.

Child Survival Wheel591.77 KB
Guide | English | 2024

Country Child Survival Wheels

The country-specific Child Survival Wheels illustrate progress for selected tracer indicators across three pillars and shows where urgent action is needed to protect, prevent, diagnose, and treat the leading causes of child death in that country.

Country Child Survival Wheels1.23 MB
Tool | English | 2024

Maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health programme review data tool

This tool provides proposed indicators/areas for gathering data and information needed to prepare for a programme review.  It includes a Microsoft Excel-based tool to allow for country specific adaptation and simple built-in analyses.

Accompanying resources:

Maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health programme review data tool214.12 KB
Tool | English | 2024

Facilitators’ guide for conducting national and subnational programme reviews for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health

This tool outlines the main steps for planning and implementing a programme review for MNCAH.  It includes a proposed agenda and templates for group work to support facilitation of an MNCAH program review workshop.

Accompanying resources:

Facilitators’ guide for conducting national and subnational programme reviews for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health856.21 KB
Event Materials | English, French | 2024

Recording - CHTF Members' Meeting - March 6, 2024

This is the Zoom recording for the CHTF Members' Meeting that was held on March 6, 2024.

Presentation | English | 2024

Slides Presentation - CHTF Members' Meeting - March 6, 2024

This is the slides presentation that was used during the CHTF Members' Meeting held on March 6, 2024.

Slides Presentation - CHTF Members' Meeting - March 6, 2024977.39 KB
Meeting Minutes | English | 2024

Notes - DHI Subgroup Meeting - Feb 27, 2024

These are the notes that were taken during the Digital Health and Innovation subgroup meeting on February 27, 2024. These notes include an agenda, link to activities, and priorities for the year ahead. 

Notes - DHI Subgroup Meeting - Feb 27, 2024330.12 KB
Event Materials | English, French | 2024

Recording - DHI Subgroup Meeting - Feb 27, 2024

Recording of DH&I subgroup meeting that occurred on February 27, 2024.

Event Materials | English | 2024

Slides Presentation - DHI Subgroup Meeting - Feb 27, 2024

Slides Presentation given during the SH&I subgroup meeting on February 27, 2024.

Slides Presentation - DHI Subgroup Meeting - Feb 27, 2024754.56 KB
English | 2024

Child Health Task Force Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about the Child Health Task Force? Check out this FAQ sheet for answers to many questions. Have a question that isn't answered on this sheet? Feel free to reach out to the Secretariat at

FAQ sheet 2024340.49 KB
Report | English | 2024

Steering Committee Meeting Report - November 1-2, 2023

Summary meeting minutes from the Child Health Task Force Steering Committee bi-annual meeting held in person at the JSI office in Arlington, VA on November 1-2, 2023.

Steering Committee Meeting Report - November 1-2, 2023521.56 KB
Report | English | 2024

2023 Annual Members' Survey Report

In October 2023, the Child Health Task Force Secretariat conducted its fifth annual members’ survey to gauge members’ opinions on the Task Force’s direction, progress toward fulfilling its mandate, and its effectiveness across five thematic areas. The survey also asked members about their participation in the subgroups over the last 12 months, use of the website, interest in participating in the Child Survival Action initiative, types of skills building events they would like to see, and preferences for engagement.

2023 Annual Members' Survey Report877.69 KB
Event Materials | English, French | 2024

Recording - Childhood Vaccination Subgroup Meeting - Jan 29, 2024

This is the recording of the first Childhood Vaccination Subgroup Meeting of 2024 which took place on January 29.

Presentation | English | 2024

Slides Presentation - Childhood Vaccination Subgroup Meeting - Jan 29, 2024

This is the Slides Presentation used at the first Childhood Vaccination Subgroup Meeting of 2024 on January 29.

Slides Presentation - Childhood Vaccination Subgroup Meeting - Jan 29, 2024245.3 KB
Event Materials | English | 2024

Slides Presentation - iCCM and Commodities (USAID, Village Reach, Community Health Impact Coalition) - Jan 23, 2024

Slides presentation delivered during the Institutionalizing Supply Chains for Community Case Management  webinar on January 23, 2024.

Slides Presentation - iCCM and Commodities Webinar(USAID, Village Reach, Community Health Impact Coalition) - Jan 23, 20245.25 MB
Report | English | 2024

Child Survival Action Two-Pager

Learn and share about the Child Survival Action (CSA) initiative with this two-page summary developed ahead of the 2nd Global Pneumonia Forum. More information on CSA here. Last updated July 2024.

Child Survival Action Two-Pager642.2 KB
Presentation | English | 2024

Child Survival Action Vision Slide Deck

Slide deck presenting the vision for the Child Survival Action Initiative, last updated July 2024.

Child Survival Action Vision Slide Deck4.84 MB
Event Materials | English | 2023

Commodities Subgroup Meeting Recording - January 25, 2023

Recording of Commodities subgroup meeting on January 25, 2023, sharing progress to date, plans for 2023, and the Call to Action paper resulting from a series of consultations on access to amoxicillina and gentamicin.

Presentation | English | 2023

Call To Action Paper Presentation - January 25, 2023

Presentation sharing the draft paper: Call to Action: Improve access and use of quality medicines to save lives of newborns and children with the Commodities subgroup of the Child Health Task Force for comment. 

Call To Action Paper Presentation - January 25, 20231.58 MB