Abstract Submission Form

We invite any member of the Task Force who has original research or programmatic lessons to submit an abstract before March 30, 2023. Abstracts for all types of presentations should align with the overall theme of the conference – inequities in child health – and the objectives (above). The types of presentations include:

  1. Concurrent session (45 min) – 15-20 min oral presentation with 25-30 min discussion/Q&A, aligned to one of the tracks (see above)
  2. Skills-building event (90 min) – capacity building workshop focused on one of the following skills: proposal/grant writing, implementation research (designing a research question, data collection, analysis), manuscript writing, costing analysis, investment cases, financing, advocacy, resource mobilization
  3. Poster presentations – physical display prepared in advance and shared in one of the subgroup’s virtual booths. Posters must be aligned to one of the subgroup topics [hyperlink subgroup page].

Please limit your abstract to 300 words or less. Include a title (maximum 25 words), speaker details (if appropriate), relevance to the conference objectives, and the track (for concurrent sessions), subgroup (for posters) or skill (for skills-building events) it would address. We are accepting abstracts in French and English.