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The Child Health Task Force is currently comprised of more than 8,000 individuals based in over 160 countries from over 900 organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, multilaterals, bilaterals, and academic institutions, as well as individual consultants. The map below shows the countries where Task Force members are based, colored in purple.

Member Organizations
L V Prasad Eye Institute
La Société burkinabè de pédiatrie (SOBUPED)
Last Mile Health
Life for a Child
Lighthouse Strategic Leadership
Living Goods
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Loyola University
Laboratoire de Recherche en Nutrition Alimentation Humaine (LARNAH)
Ladoke Akintola university of technology
Lady Irwin College
Learning Minds Africa
LiaquatNational Hospital & Medical College
Life helper’s initiative
LIMA - Do More Foundation
Lira regional referral hospital
Living Goods Uganda
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Love Care Home
Lung Care Foundation
Lutheran World Relief
Lwala Community Alliance
LWANUEL Enterprise Ltd