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The Child Health Task Force is currently comprised of more than 8,000 individuals based in over 160 countries from over 900 organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, multilaterals, bilaterals, and academic institutions, as well as individual consultants. The map below shows the countries where Task Force members are based, colored in purple.

Member Organizations
Paediatric Society of Ghana
Pan American Health Organization
Partners In Health/Inshuti Mu Buzima, Rwanda
Partnership for Supply Chain Management
Pathfinder International
Perinatal Society of Nepal (PESON)
Phanuel Global Health Foundation
Piramal Swasthya
Plan International
PMI Impact Malaria
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh
Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme, Côte d'Ivoire
Project Concern International
Project Concern Zambia
Project HOPE
Public Nutrition Directorate, Afghanistan
Pacque Consulting LLC
Pact Myanmar
Pacto por la Primera Infancia, A.C.
Paediatric Association of Tanzania
Partners In Health
Peace Corps
PhD Candidate
Plan international
Plateforme Société Civile pour la Nutrition
Pondicherry University
Population and Development Initiative
Population Council
Practhealth Consulting
Première Urgence Internationale
Princess Marina Hospital
Punjab AIDS Control Program Lahore Pakistan