Showcasing a Toolkit for Institutionalizing iCCM

September 19, 2023 - September 19, 2023

This CHTF webinar which took place on September 19th allowed participants to learn about the integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) Toolkit. The toolkit includes a curated repository of existing resources, guidance from relevant country experiences and research as well as tools to support stakeholders in assessing their country context, identifying priorities and devising strategies to advance iCCM institutionalization. It is a flexible resource that can be used across a range of country contexts at various stages of iCCM roll out, scale-up, and institutionalization. Users can identify new opportunities and approaches for overcoming challenges to institutionalizing iCCM within their national health system and influencing wider health system change. This digital toolkit was developed by the U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) Impact Malaria Project in collaboration with the Child Health Task Force. The webinar provided an overview of the toolkit and highlighted ways that it can be used by stakeholders at a country and sub country levels to advance iCCM institutionalization as well as influence wider health system change.