
Welcome to the Child Health Task Force Resource Library. This database hosts a range of documents from agencies and organizations working on child health programming. When using the search function, please be as specific as possible. More specific search language will return the most appropriate results. Resources are available for download for further reading and can be sent via email or other social media platforms for ease of sharing.

If you have resources related to child health programming that you would like to share through the Child Health Task Force, please reach out through our Contact Us page.

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Event Materials | English, French | 2024

Recording - SHN E-learning Course Launch - July 11, 2024

Recording of Introducing From Principles to Practice: An e-Learning Course on School Health and Nutrition webinar, which took place on July 11, 2024.

Presentation | English, French | 2024

Slides Presentation - SHN E-learning Course Launch - July 11, 2024

Slides presented during Introducing From Principles to Practice: An e-Learning Course on School Health and Nutrition webinar on July 11, 2024.

Slides Presentation - SHN E-learning Course Launch - July 11, 20245.45 MB
Tool | English, French | 2024

School Health and Nutrition: From Principles to Practice e-Learning Course

The Child Health Task Force has developed a self-paced e-learning course where learners will embark on a comprehensive journey through the multi-sectoral landscape of school health and nutrition. The learning experience is divided into three modules, each designed to build upon the last. Module One lays the groundwork by detailing the diverse interventions of school-based health and nutrition and its essential role in fostering optimal learning for children.

Guide | English | Global | 2023

Menstruation and Its Relevance for Schools

This infographic explores menstruation and its relevance for schools and approaches to make schools menstruation friendly. This resource is intended for USAID Mission staff, including health and education officers, as well as implementing partners, ministries of health and education, donors, and school administrators for consideration during program planning and co-investing.

Menstruation Infographic Final.pdf7.92 MB
Tool | English | 2023

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE): Foundational learning for a healthy life

This infographic explores the importance of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for school-aged children, its benefits, and potential entry points for health and education sectors. This resource is intended for USAID Mission staff, including health and education officers, as well as implementing partners, ministries of health and education, donors, and school administrators for consideration during program planning and co-investing.

CSE Infographic 5-15.pdf2.87 MB
Event Materials | English | 2023

Recording Ready to Learn and Thrive: School Health and Nutrition - February 14, 2023

In the recording, The Child Health Task Force, UNESCO, and the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition hosted a webinar to mark the publication of the joint report, Ready to Learn and Thrive: School Health and Nutrition around the World (highlights here).

Presentation | English | 2023

Ready to Learn and Thrive: School Health and Nutrition (UNESCO, LSHTM) Presentation- February 14, 2023

The Child Health Task Force, UNESCO, and the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition hosted a webinar to mark the publication of the joint report, Ready to Learn and Thrive: School Health and Nutrition around the World (highlights here).

Ready to Learn and Thrive: School Health and Nutrition (UNESCO, LSHTM) Presentation- February 14, 20237.37 MB
Report | English | 2022

School Meal Programs Around The World

Covering 139 countries, of which 125 had large-scale school feeding, the 2022 edition of School Meal Programs Around the World presents the results of GCNF’s second Global Survey of School Meal Programs ©, conducted from July 2021 through March 2022. 

Tool | English | 2022

Mental Health Among School-Age Children & Adolescents

This infographic explores the importance of using schools as a platform to support the mental health of school-age children, and the three key areas where schools can play a critical role. This resource is intended for USAID Mission staff, including health and education officers, as well as implementing partners, ministries of health and education, donors, and school administrators for consideration during program planning and co-investing.

Infographic of Mental Health Among School-Age Children & Adolescents819.99 KB
Tool | English | 2022

School as a Platform to Control Malaria: The case for cross-sectoral investment

This infographic shares evidence for using schools as a platform for malaria prevention and control. It also identifies key malaria interventions that can be delivered through schools and the respective roles of the education and health sectors. This resource is intended for USAID Mission staff, including health and education officers, as well as implementing partners, ministries of health and education, and school administrators. 

Infographic on School as a Platform to Control Malaria39.02 MB
English | 2022

Blog: Governments across Africa are rebuilding home-grown school feeding (HGSF) programs to help their recovery from the pandemic

The Brookings Institution published a blog on Africa Day of School Feeding which discusses the role of home-grown school feeding in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Event Materials | English | 2022

How to Make Better Policies for School Meals Webinar Recording

The OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate hosted a webinar on February 10, 2022 focused on how to overcome evidence gaps in food systems to support policy makers around the world develop better policies for food systems.

Tool | English | 2022


This tool is designed to be interactive. Each decision tree is intended to be viewed as a holistic overview of the types of questions a practitioner might explore to strengthen the respective dimension of school health and nutrition. Practitioners can select which decision tree to explore by clicking on its respective box on the home page. Practitioners engage with the decision tree by answering each question. Once a practitioner selects ‘No,’ a text box appears to suggest actions to consider.

Report | English | 2022

School Health and Nutrition: Reach and Relevance for Adolescents

This brief summarizes the benefits to adolescent health and human capital formation that accrue from investments in health and nutrition interventions delivered through schools, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries.

English | 2022

Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) framework

UNESCO's Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) framework presents a vision for collaboration between health and other sectors working on different aspects of human development such as safety from violence & crime, equity, inclusion, relief & development aid, social and sustainable development. As the partnership continued its work, the focus on access to schooling, attendance and educational attainment increased. 

Journal Article | English | Ghana | 2022

Eligibility for the use of ready-made spectacles among children in a school-based programme in Ghana

Journal article published in PLOS Global Public Health on January 27, 2022.

Report | English | 2021

World Food Programme Reviews of School-based Health and Nutrition Interventions in Eastern, Southern, and Western Africa

Evidence reviews of school health and nutrition interventions commissioned by the World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Offices in East and Central Africa (WFP Regional Bureau Nairobi), Southern Africa (WFP Regional Bureau Johannesburg), and West Africa (WFP Regional Bureau Dakar). The reports were prepared by the Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR) and published in July 2021.

Event Materials | English | 2021

Webinar Recording - October 19, 2021

Recording of webinar hosted by the Re-imagining the Package of Care subgroup to share findings from a Child Health Task Force-commissioned report on operationalizing school health and nutrition investments.

English | 2021

Food for Education evidence for school feeding programs

School meals are an effective way to keep children in school and learning while there. Food for Education delivers subsidized school meals to primary schools, sourcing ingredients from local farmers and preparing meals in central kitchens to ensure all meals meet food safety standards. Schools that partner with Food for Education perform statistically better on national education exams than non-enrolled schools.